Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An Alternate Plan

Woo hoo! I made it to the gym last night. All I did was 30 minutes on the elliptical machine, but I was pushing myself pretty hard and I burned 415 calories. That's not bad in my book. I then came home and watched Biggest Loser. I don't know why, but I get a little emotional sometimes when I watch it. I seriously shed a few tears when they were finishing the marathon. Definitely inspiring to see these folks lose 100+ pounds and do this. If they can do that, I can certainly drop 20 and run a measly half-marathon in February, right?

I woke up early-ish (for me) this morning at 6:50am, grabbed some Blue Bottle Coffee, a cult favorite in SF and I'm addicted just like the rest of us. Lucky for me it's only 2 blocks from my house! For breakfast:

This is one of my favorite all-time breakfasts that I make for myself. It's 2 pieces of Ezekial bread topped with arugula, 2 poached eggs, thinly sliced onion, a dollop of non-fat Greek yogurt, pepper and sea salt. So good! And it feels a little fancy, no? It's just about 405 calories, so it's not a small breakfast, but it doesn't break the bank either. I'd rather have a bigger breakfast to start the day and a smaller lunch.

I'm pretty obsessed with poached eggs, by the way. The secret to easy and fast poached eggs? Vinegar! I boil water in a frying pan and add a generous pour of vinegar.  You then crack your eggs in the water and you have your beautifully poached eggs in just a few minutes.

That's all for now folks.

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